Thanking Those I’m Subscribed To

I’m subscribed to some great blogs covering various topics and blogging experience. I updated my blogroll today and thought I’d share with ya’ll who I’m subscribed to and thank all of you for allowing me to subscribe to your blog. Read the list and go check them out.

Blogroll –

This list is only 4/5 of those I’m subscribed to. Ones not mentioned either don’t update regularly, are a family blog (just talking about life), or are a campus event blog. Best way to get on my blogroll is to update regularly and about more than life.

I encourage you to check out the blogs above then come back and comment on your thoughts, if there are any that you’d like to see added or removed, and what some of your favorite blogs from your blogroll are.

Posted on June 6, 2010, in about this blog, Blogging and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Becky, Thanks for including me on your roll.
    I checked out a few of these I had not seen before. Subscribed to coulpe of them. I found some cool ideas for reaching into our neighborhood on “Connecting the Church”. And fresh church leadership ideas on “LeadingSmart”. Thanks for sharing.
    That is a lot of blog reading. You are amazing! –Richard

    • Hey Richard,
      Glad you could find some new blogs to connect with. Connecting the Church and LeadingSmart are great! Is there any that you are subscribed to that weren’t on the blogroll here that would be good to check out?

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