Daily Archives: November 2, 2011

Top Ten Posts from October 2011

A Psalm of Thanksgiving

“Oh Lord I thank You for being my Rock and Deliverer.

Thank you for being our God who is always ready to hear us and listen when we call. 

Thank you Father for  being my friend, the one who is with me for good,

the one who understand me and who loves me. 

For you are the One True Loving Father,

The One who pulled me from the muck and set me up in His Kingdom .

You, oh Lord, your ways are outstanding,

your presence in our lives greater than we could imagine. 

Thank you for your unconditional love and compassion for us. 

Thank you Lord for the spirit of love you have given to me…

God, you have so many attributes; there is so much to thank you for.

To God be the Glory To God be the Glory To God be the glory for the things he has done!”

– A Psalm of Thanksgiving by the BibleX LifeGroup
Related posts – 

What I Learned in BibleX LifeGroup

Tonight in LifeGroup we learned that no matter our emotion or what is going on in our lives that we can turn to God. Sometimes we may be praising God, other times it’s about someone who hurt us or we are hurting, and other times we may be praying a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Using the BibleX curriculum we learned as well that these Psalms can be categorized into Hymns of Praise, Lament, and Songs of Thanksgiving and then wrote our own psalm which I’ll share in the next post. If you are looking for a small group to join (online or offline), or want to join this one click here for more information.

Growing together, gathering together, learning together, and having fun together; if you’re not already in a small group find one today!

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